Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Ideological Position

We are for the European people and against the European Union.

We are for a European Alliance to replace the European Union.

The European Union is a monstrous, corrupt recreation of the Roman Empire.

The political agenda of the traitors that run the European Union is to takeover the sovereign nations of Europe, to replace the indigenous peoples of Europe with cheap immigrant labour and to destroy the cultural heritage of Europe.

The European Union has become as corrupt, degenerate and insane as during the darkest days of the Roman Empire itself.

Therefore we represent a new vision of Europe based on brotherhood between our nations, as opposed to the corrupt vision of the Eurocrats which is a political union.

We are all proud nationalists, but we are not xenophobes.

We see the people of Europe as our kin and not our enemy.

Never again will we allow our nations and people to undergo the disaster of another Brothers War.

In order to achieve this goal we must now form a Pan-European political party that acts to represent and protect the interests of our people, culture and nations within the European Union itself.

The political position of all Nationalist parties in Europe is to withdraw from the European Union.

If this victory against the EU is ever achieved then we will still need a Pan-European body of European Nationalists who can work together in order to ensure that the people of Europe can co-operate politically to address issues that impact upon all our nations.

If a Nationalist political party like the BNP or UKIP ever achieved a majority in the British Parliament and unilaterally withdrew us as a nation from the European Union, then the European Union would still exist as a powerful political entity affecting adversely the interests and economy of Britain and all our nations.

In order for Britain’s national interests to be protected, and the interests of all Nationalist political parties across Europe who are also anti-EU to be similarly protected, then at the same time as each nation unilaterally withdraws from the European Union we must also have a Pan-European Nationalist organisation that can represent the interests of the indigenous people, heritage and cultures of Europe still operating within the European Union itself.

The unilateral withdrawal of Nationalist organisations from the European Union will have the perverse effect of actually strengthening the power of those political forces within the EU who are the enemies of the indigenous European people, cultures and nations of Europe.

For without the voice of the Euro-sceptics and Nationalists within the chambers of the EU, then the Eurocrats will be able to rule the European Union without any internal opposition at all.

As Nationalist parties begin to withdraw from the EU we must have the European Nationalist Alliance parties remaining inside the EU to ensure the Eurocrats cannot target those individual nations who have unilaterally withdrawn from the EU or target growing Nationalist parties in nations still within the EU.

Without the European Nationalist Alliance operating inside the EU to protect the nations who have withdrawn from the EU then the Eurocrats will seek to use their powers to economically isolate them from the rest of Europe.

In such a situation where a nation does withdraw unilaterally from the EU, then that nation will come under enormous economic pressures by the EU which will result in eventual economic collapse, thereby ensuring they are simply voted out again at the next election.

Therefore we Nationalists of all European nations must also form an Pan-European political organisation to run alongside our nationalist political parties that allows us as European Nationalists to work together both within the EU, and in the event of the fall of the European Union, with each other.

We will not stand in European Elections against any of our comrades in any Nationalist and Patriotic political parties.

That means in those regions of the United Kingdom or Europe where there are elected UKIP, BNP, VB, FN, NPD, Jobbik MEP’s etc etc then we will not be standing any candidates.

Our target is to stand only in those areas where the traitor establishment political parties are standing and have elected MEP's, and this includes such political parties as the Labour Party, Lib-Dems and Conservative Party and their European equivalents.

As we are appealing to a political demographic of Pro-European patriots we will not be stealing any votes from those Nationalist and Patriotic parties who stand in European Elections and whose political platform is to withdraw from the EU.

Our plan is not to withdraw from the EU, but to take it over from within.

Our plan is that other political parties called the European National Alliance who are part of our alliance are formed all over the European Union to create the framework for a Pan-European Nationalist alliance within the EU.

Our political aim will be to work collectively within the European Union against the traitors that presently run it and to ensure that the interests of the indigenous European peoples are protected in relation to culture, environment, energy security, crime, terrorism, globalism, immigration and economics.

Our aim is to create Fortress Europe which can withstand the pernicious power and spread of Globalism, the economic power of global corporations, the increasing powers of supra-national institutions like the World Trade Organisation and the United Nations, and American cultural, military and political hegemony.

The threats that Europe faces in the 21st Century are global threats.

Therefore the role of the European National Alliance within the EU is to use the powers of the European Union to protect the interests of the European people, the cultures of Europe and the security interests of Europe itself.

Our Policies.

1) We will scrap the Euro and allow EU member states to take control of their own currencies and economies.

2) We will end all immigration into the European Union and abolish all European Union laws and International laws that allow asylum seekers to come into Europe.

3) We will work to protect and promote the indigenous cultures of Europe.

4) We will form a Pan-European Border Police Unit the EU within that will secure the borders of Europe from the illegal entry of immigrants in order to ensure all further immigration into the EU is stopped and who will work to discover and dismantle people smuggling rings, drug importation networks and organisations and networks that support terrorism and other threats to the security and stability of the EU itself.

5) We will form a pan-European Naval Border Defence force that will operate in international waters and the territory of EU member states to prevent ships carrying migrants coming into European territorial waters.

6) We will scrap all race relations laws and politically correct affirmative action legislation that places the interests of ethnic minorities before the interests of the ethnic majority within the EU. We will ensure that the EU promotes laws that force nation states within the EU to become meritocracies as opposed to politically correct racist states. We will also order the the European Court and other institutions of the EU to apply EU laws in such a way that its decisions do not discriminate against our own people.

7) We will pass legislation to force the European Court to protect free speech and the ancestral rights and liberties of European citizens. We will also pass laws that allow the governments of EU member states to re-establish their own national sovereignty over their own laws and judges, so that their national legal systems can assert supremacy over EU laws in fields like immigration if they so desire. The fact that judges can use EU law to rule against governments that wish to deport illegal immigrants from their territory we regard as an affront to democracy and the right of nations to rule themselves.

8) We will pass legislation that will allow EU member states to bring back the death penalty for terrorism, paedophilia and treason.

9) We will increase accountability and oversight within the EU and act as whistleblowers to expose corruption within the EU.

10) We will allocate funding for the establishment within the EU for small family farms, small businesses and for new industrial projects to produce goods and commodities within the EU as opposed to importing them in from regimes such as China and India that have atrocious environmental protection records and histories of workers rights abuses.

11) We will enact EU legislation guaranteeing a decent pension, welfare benefits, education, housing, and health care for all citizens of Europe.

12) We will end the importation of goods and commodities into the EU from nations with poor environmental and workers rights records that distort and undermine the economy and industries of Europe.

13) We will co-operate with our partners in all European countries to ensure European energy security and to wean the West off Middle East oil. Europe must become energy independent in order to become politically independent.

14) We will establish strict animal cruelty laws within the EU that prohibit cruel forms of animal slaughter, industrial farming methods, genetically modified foods being imported or grown in the EU, pollution and environmentally damaging industrial developments.

15) We will seek to establish community farms, local currency networks, local recycling projects, public works schemes and other investments in transport and infra-structure across the EU.

16) We will devolve power down from the EU to national governments in order to increase local democracy throughout the EU.

17) We will ban the Burkha, ban Sharia Law courts and all other institutions that seek to create independent legal structures within the EU.

18) We will ban organisations that represent the interests of foreign nations from influencing decisions taken by the European Parliament and other institutions of the EU and from lobbying or influencing the decisions of those bodies.

19) We will pass legislation that will ban candidates of all political parties from standing as MEP's or assuming any other positions within the EU if they were members of Communist political parties during the era of the Soviet Union.

20) We will pass legislation forcing schools to educate European children about their European cultural identity and end the influence of cultural marxists and liberalism within the education systems of the EU.

21) We will pass laws ensuring that the only trades unions that allowed to exist and operate within the EU are ones that operate either in the national interest of member states or in the interests of European unity.

22) We will use EU development funds to create an autarchic system of industry within Europe that allows the EU to become self reliant in agriculture, medicines and energy.

23) We will abolish NATO and create a new European Military Alliance based on EU states forming a Fortress Europe to resist aggression and invasion that emanates from anywhere on the planet.

24) We will seek to work with Russia on the basis of mutual economic co-operation and development and in order to ensure stability on the European continent.

25) We will work with all and any nations of the planet for mutual economic development and for the benefit of global security.

26) We will act to protect the indigenous cultures, languages and heritage of Europe from the threat of American cultural domination.

27) We will pass laws that prohibit the export of capital out of the EU and into nations and regimes with histories of human rights abuses, we will ban the Hawala money transfer network within the EU and we will ensure that money earned by migrant workers within the EU stays within the EU.

28) We will pass laws that put the interests of individuals before those of the banksters who have caused the economic crisis afflicting Europe. All banking laws that enrich the bankers whilst impoverishing ordinary people will be scrapped and a strict legislative framework created to ensure the economic interests of European citizens are protected from the global banks and bankers.

29) International corporations and foreign investment funds / banks and groups will be prevented from buying up essential industries and businesses that relate to the security interests of the EU.

30) The global media corporations operating within the EU will be made to split into privately owned companies owned only by citizens of national states. The corporate media and all media organisations will be prevented from campaigning for specific parties or candidates in political campaigns or propagandising against individual candidates or parties in such a way it may interfere or influence the result of democratic elections.

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